The Black Swan is a book about risk, by polymath, Nassim Nicolas Taleb. It has an essential lesson about risk management.
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Black Swans risks that meet 3 criteria
- Outlier
Something not expected from previous experience - Extreme impact
- Explainable after the fact
You can think of a black swan event as an Unknown Unknown.
However, we do believe we could have predicted it… with hindsight
Taleb gets the name, Black Swan, from a quote from Juvenal:
“rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno”
“a rare bird in the lands and very much like a black swan”
Black swan events arise from the limitations of our knowledge. We need to understand this, as part of our understanding of risk management.
Taleb also identifies:
- Grey Swans
Known Unknowns - White Swans
… such an event has a major effect, but is compatible with statistical properties. It was a Known-Known with low but finite likelihood – indeed some may predict it with high levels of precision.
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