31 January, 2023

Top 10 Things to Know about Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2

Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 is the official guide to the PRINCE2 methodology. It is published in the UK, by PeopleCert. 

Here are my top 10 things you need to know about it.

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Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2: Top 10 Things

Basics of Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2

  1. PRINCE2 is a robust Project Management methodology that places a strong emphasis on control and governance.
  2. Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2, 6th edition is nothing more than a re-publication of the 2017 edition. When PeopleCert acquired Axelos, the current owners of the PRINCE2 methodology, they also relabeled earlier versions with new edition numbers. The 2017 version, now the 6th edition, is current at the start of 2023.
  3. The manual divides PRINCE2 into 7 Principles, 7 Themes, and 7 Processes, with a couple of introductory chapters and a couple of chapters on applying PRNCE2

Chapters of Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2

  1. Chapter 2, Project Management with PRINCE2 provides an excellent context for both the methodology and Project Management in General.
  2. As with the PMI’s PMBOK 7, PRINCE2 has an excellent chapter on ‘Tailoring and Adopting PRINCE2’. This addresses the adoption of PRINCE2 for agile projects – which is expanded in the companion methodology, PRINCE2 Agile. It also covers ‘Adopting PRINCE2 in an Organizational Environment’. Strangely, the other chapter that continues this is at the other end of the book.
  3. A single chapter describes 7 Principles. Whilst these are clearly written as principles for PRINCE2 Project Management, they seem to me to be every bit as general as the 12 Principles we see in PMI’s PMBOK 7. The principles are:
    1. Continued business justification
    2. Learn from experience
    3. Defined roles and responsibilities
    4. Manage by stages
    5. Manage by exception
    6. Focus on products
    7. Tailor to suit the project 
  1. The 7 PRINCE2 themes get a short introductory chapter, and then one full chapter each. The 7 themes are:
    1. Business case
    2. Organization
    3. Quality
    4. Plans
    5. Risk
    6. Change
    7. Progress
  1. The 7 PRINCE2 processes also get a short introductory chapter, and then one full chapter each. The 7 processes are:
    1. Starting up a project
    2. Directing a project
    3. Initiating a project
    4. Controlling a stage
    5. Managing product delivery
    6. Managing a stage boundary
    7. Closing a project 
  1. The appendices provide valuable additional information and resources, especially:
    1. Appendix A: Product description outlines
    2. Appendix C: Roles and responsibilities
    3. Appendix E: Health check

Summing up Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2

  1. Finally, what is the status of Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2?

It represents three things. First, it is a valuable methodology, with lots to learn from, whether you want to implement it fully, or simply adopt some good ideas. Secondly, it is the basis for the two tiers of PRINCE2 Certification, the Foundation and Practitioner levels. Thirdly, and most importantly if you are in the UK, the PRINCE2 methodology is mandatory if you are working in Central or local Government or are delivering any projects that are publicly funded. This makes it an important book for many UK project managers to read and understand.

Carefully curated video recommendations for you:

The place to start is with our roadmap and resource guide, ‘I Want to Study for PRINCE2’.

If you are planning to study formally, for the exam, we offer alternative exam prep providers for the various PRINCE2 exams: PRINCE2 Qualifications

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Mike Clayton

About the Author...

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
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