The Rule of Silence…
There are few techniques in Project Management techniques as simple as this one. It’s a free source of power in your next meeting.
This video is safe for viewing in the workplace.
This is learning, so, sit back and enjoy
You want to know what a stakeholder thinks…
So you ask them.
But you don’t think they have told you everything, so you need to press them for more of an answer. What should you ask them?
Silence is so uncomfortable, people will fill it. And if that means giving away a little more than they intended to, that’s often what they’ll do.
Someone asks you a question…
What’s the first response you should give?
A pause
I know you learned at school that if you don’t have the answer quickly, the teacher won’t think you’re bright. But this isn’t school. If you answer too quickly, you’re saying ‘that’s an easy question’.
So, why would I ask you an easy question?
I wouldn’t. Not if I’m bright. So a quick answer implies I’m foolish.
A pause, however, says: ‘That’s a good question. I need to think about it.’ Silence can flatter. And give you time to shape your answer with care.
You need to make a project presentation…
What’s the first thing you should do when you stand up and take the platform?
A ‘Power Pause’ lets you take in your audience, wait for their attention, and show absolute confidence. Diving straight in makes you look nervous. Worse still, asking your audience for quiet starts you off as submissive.
I could give lots more examples of the power of silence…
But I shan’t.
Here is the rule of silence:
In any conversation or meeting, the person who is more comfortable with silence has the advantage.
Start using the power of silence today.
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