Project Communication is too important. So, stop using telegrams!
‘Whoa. I’m too young to even know what they really are.’
They are just an old fashioned means of communication.
Okay, so I’m exaggerating
But too many Project Managers still operate as if they are in that time.
- … Project underperforming [STOP]
- … Must speak to stakeholders [STOP]
- … Send progress report by Wednesday [STOP]
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Telegrams make Poor Project Communication
In the days of telegrams, messages were so expensive, people had to pay attention to every word. They thought all about the message they were going to send. The person on the other end was a passive recipient.
That’s Still how too many Project Managers Work
Sending your message out – what I call me-you communication – is a small part f what works. This is true for communication with project team members and stakeholders. What about the you-me part?
Your Job is to Encourage Two-way Project Communication
And not just between you and your team or your stakeholders. But also among your team, and between them and your stakeholders.
Telegrams don’t work for that
Project communication is so phenomenally important. You have to slow down and take it super-seriously. Ask questions and make time to seek out and listen to the answers. Reflect carefully on what you hear and be willing to let it change your mind.
If there’s one thing you can do…
To get better project results, it’s likely to be working on your communication. And this is equally true of your team and stakeholders are co-located, or if they are spread around the globe.
As a Project Manager…
You manage your project through your people.
And you manage your people through communication. So, to a first approximation, good Project Management is all about communicating well.
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