15 October, 2018

#PMOT – Who are the Project Managers on Twitter to Follow?

#PMOT is the Twitter hashtag used by Project Managers on Twitter.

If you want to follow project management conversations on Twitter…
Or if you want to keep up with the latest articles, or products…

#PMOT is a good tag to follow. It’s not the only tag project managers use. Frankly it’s a bit of a blunt tool in these days where Twitter users often prefer narrower and more precise tags. And other tags like #PM, #projectmanagement, and #projectmanager are at least as widely used.

And we mustn’t forget that there are other widely used hashtags in the #PMOT community, like #Agile, #PMO, and #PMP. But, as the hook for a roundup of some of my favorite Project Managers of Twitter, #PMOT is as good as any.

This article is going to be different to most of ours.

For a start, I am going to make no claims to authority here. I am a casual Twitter user.

Like our roundup of the best Project Management blogs, any listing can only be, at best, provisional. If you are reading this and thinkings…

Why aren't I on the @OnlinePMCourses list of #PMOT? Share on X

…all I can say is, add your details to the comments below, so I can pick them up when I do an update!

#PMOT - Who are the Project Managers on Twitter to FollowPersonal Selection

A lot of project management knowledge can be objective, but a selection from the thousands of #PMOT can never be. So, I shan’t even make an attempt at objectivity. I’ll select who I select, and offer my choices to you.

But I will organize them, into the following categories:

The descriptions are those they provide on their Twitter channel.

#PMOT Unashamed Plugs for Friends

Unashamed Plugs for #PMOT Friends

Many of these Twitter folk can easily fit into one or more of the other categories. But I wanted to separate them out for two reasons:

  1. It’s only right that I declare properly that I know these people
  2. But, because I know them, I can attest to the integrity of their thinking and the services they offer

So do get out there and follow them. But only after you have followed @OnlinePMCourses!

Ron Rosenhead: @ronrosenhead

International project management consultant & speaker. Co-author of Strategies for Project Sponsorship – http://www.projectagency.co.uk  Practical project management: ronrosenhead.co.uk

Ron’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: Are You a New Project Manager? Here’s 10 Tips

Elizabeth Harrin: @girlsguidetopm

Author, project management expert, business writer. Business Blogging Made Simple at http://elizabeth-harrin.com : GirlsGuideToPM.com

Lindsay Scott: @projectmgmt

Enthusiastic PMO bod. Dir of Project Management Recruitment business – Arras People. Co-editor of Handbook of People in PM. PMO flashmobber: arraspeople.co.uk

Lindsay’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: Essential Guide to Project Management Contracting

Glen B. Alleman: @galleman

Crede sed Proba: herdingcats.typepad.com.

I need to add that Glen’s commentary is among the most rigorous and thought-provoking – and often demands careful reading.

Glen’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: Introduction to Capabilities Based Planning

Donnie MacNicol: @DonnieMacNicol

I help business and project leaders improve delivery and teamwork. Speaker. Author. Keen cyclist: teamanimation.co.uk.

Donnie’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: A Simple Way to Develop Interpersonal Skills for Project Managers

Chris O’Halloran: @theagilesumo

We make Agile teams become amazing, check out our free online masterclass: agilesumo.com

Chris’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: Why You can No longer Ignore Agile Methodologies

Andy Kaufman: @Andy_Kaufman 

Keynote Speaker, Author, and Executive Coach. Developing Leaders. Delivering Results: PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com

Andy’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: Project Culture: What it is and How to Craft it

Chuck Cobb: @chuckcobb3

Agile Project Management Author, Mentor, and Instructor.

We promote all of Chuck’s Agile PM courses. You can subscribe for them individually, and together, they form a highly coherent Master’s Degree level program.

Chuck’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: What is Agile and Why is it Important to Project Managers?

Elise Stevens: @ElisethePm 

I provide a channel for women’s voices to be heard, supported and embraced in project management. It’s time for women to dream big & achieve their career goals: elisestevens.co

Elise’s Article at OnlinePMCourses: 4 Steps to Engage Difficult Stakeholders

Susanne Madsen: @SusanneMadsen

Project leadership coach, trainer and consultant. Author of ‘The Project Management Coaching Workbook’ (US|UK) and ‘The Power of Project Leadership’ (US|UK): susannemadsen.com

#PMOT PM Bloggers

PM Blogs and Bloggers

PM Hut: @pmhut

Serving the project management community since 2007 with fresh project management articles every day! pmhut.com

Aaron Smith: @ProjectsAtWork 

Let’s break down barriers and build bridges for better projects and teams: http://projectmanagement.com  x http://PMI.org :projectmanagement.com/blogs/382892/P…

Project Smart News: @ProjectSmart

Exploring trends and developments in project management today. You stay informed about the project management body of knowledge: projectsmart.co.uk

ProjectMgtPM: @ProjectMgtPM

#Project #Management Blog dedicated to professionals seeking to improve their #projectmanagement skills. #Leadership#PMO #StrategicPlanning Join us: project-management.pm

Project Management: @PMArticles

Dedicated to provide PM articles, detailed PM software reviews, PM book reviews, and the latest news for the most popular web-based collaboration tools: Project-Management.com

Project Manager: @ProjectMgr_au

Online resource for aspiring, accidental, practising & expert project managers: articles, blogs, whitepapers: projectmanager.com.au

Cesar Abeid: @cesarabeid

Happiness Engineer at @Automattic, author of http://ProjectManagementForYou.com , podcaster at http://pmforthemasses.com , husband, father, and a silly, silly man: cesarabeid.com

Gladys Gbegnedji: @Gladys_ProjectM 

Construction Project Manager. Civil Engineer. Blogger. Montañera. Deportista. Traveller. #ProjectManagement #PMP#GestionDeProyectos #UNDP: gladysgbegnedji.com/blog

Brad Egeland: @begeland 

Business Solution Designer, “#1 Provider of PM Content in the World” IT/PM/Marketing Consultant, Author: bradegeland.com

Margaret Meloni, PMP: @MargaretMeloni 

Creating project managers who have the skills and techniques to successfully navigate the human side of the project world.Oh and having a blast doing it! margaretmeloni.com/about.html

Gren Gale/PM Results: @PM_Results 

One badly managed project can wreck your business. We provide training & consultancy in Project Mgmnt and Procurement to make sure this never happens to you: pmresults.co.uk

Marisa Silva: @TheLuckyPM 

There are no good project managers…only lucky ones. The more you plan the luckier you get. linkedin.com/in/theluckypm/

#PMOT Organizations, Associations, and Institutes

Organizations, Associations, and Institutes

PMI: @PMInstitute

Membership, advocacy and professional development for the project management profession.: pmi.org

PMI’s blog team: @PMvoices

Follow the Voices on Project Management blog from Project Management Institute. It features insights on all things PM, written by and for project practitioners: bit.ly/PMIVoices

APM: @APMProjectMgmt

The Official Twitter account for the award-winning Association for Project Management. Inspiring today’s profession for tomorrow’s challenges. apm.org.uk


International Project Management Association (IPMA): ipma.world

IAPM (english): @IAPM_english

IAPM International Association of Project Managers. iapm.net

PPM Professionals: @PPMProfessional

PPMP is a national no-fee professional association offering networking opportunities with industry leaders in the field of project portfolio management.

APMG International: @APMG_Inter

Global examination institute & accreditation body. Has a wide portfolio of professional training certifications & cyber security solutions. apmg-international.com

Agile Alliance: @AgileAlliance

Agile Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the concepts of Agile software development as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. AgileAlliance.org

Scrum Alliance: @ScrumAlliance

SCRUM ALLIANCE® is the largest professional membership organization in the #Agile community: scrumalliance.org

Scrum.org: @Scrumdotorg

Dedicated to improving the profession of software delivery by leading the maturity and evolution of Scrum. Scrum.org

PMSA: @ProjectManageSA 

PMSA is voluntary professional association representing the interests of project, program and portfolio management practitioners in South Africa. projectmanagement.org.za

ProjectManagementcom: @ProjectMgtcom

The largest project management community offering webinars, articles, templates & more with one simple mission – to make you and your projects more successful! ProjectManagement.com

#PMOT Project Management People

Project Management People

Jeremy Cottino, PMP: @jcottino 

Senior Project Manager, PMP, PMO-CP certified. Technology enthusiast, and 3 times Microsoft Project MVP. Wannabe trader in my next life.jeremycottino.com

Todd Williams: @BackFromRed 

Helping billion-dollar companies to startups turn vision to value by improving project execution. Author: Rescue the Problem Project, speaker, blogger: ecaminc.com/index.php/blog

R Baker: @rbakercnn 

Project Management, Broadcast Technology, Strategic Planning, Digital Marketing, Digital Preservation, Business Intelligence. bit.ly/1w1hwEu

Imrich Tatiersky: @tatiersky 

Leading #crm & #delivery team at @orange_sk. Love #projectmanagement#startup-s #fintech #innovation & #leadership. linkedin.com/in/itatiersky

Karthik Ramamurthy: @KarthikPMO 

#ProjectManagement #SocialMedia#Leadership guru. KeynoteSpeaker, @KeyResultz founder PastPresident @pmichennai #pmot Author: http://bit.ly/SYTPSIN : bit.ly/KarthikPMO

Steven Baker, PMP: @STEVEPMP 

Oil & Gas I/E Senior Project Manager. Frequently Flying. Find me online talking about: #PMP #Bitcoin $TRX $XRP $ETC$LTC #SCADA #MAGA #1A #2A instagram.com/stevepmp/

Rajneesh Tripathi: @RajneeshTri 

Advisory Project & Program Manager. Poet. #IBMbassador. Tweeting about Project/Program/People Management, Leadership and Life in general. Views are my own. rajneeshtripathi.blogspot.com

Susan Tuttle: @TerrapinAgrada 

Project and Change Management expertise – PRINCE2, MSP, Change Management, APM, Agile DSDM, Online & In-person training and consulting: terrapinagrada.co.uk

Allisa Johannson: @AllisaJohannson 

Join #The #Project #Manager #Networkon #Linkedin at: http://tinyurl.com/TheProjectManagerNetwork … pmmilestone.biz

CUPE International: @CUPEInt 

Tweeting for those involved in PPM and PMO’s. P3M3, PRINCE2® ITIL®, MSP®, P3O® M_o_R®, MoP®, MoV®, Agile & Earned Value in 140 characters or less. cupe.co.uk

Success for PMs: @Success4PMs 

#ProjectManagement #Success #pmot#BenefitsRealization #SoftSkills#Negotiation #Presentation#WorkLifeBalance #Planning #Execution#TripleConstraint

PMChat: @pmchat 

Global collaboration for Project Management, Business, + Leadership Professionals. #PMChat Wed 12 PM AEST + Fri @ 12PMEDT. #pmot@rkelly976 @tonyadams2002 pmchat.net

PM Today Magazine: @ProjectMToday

The definitive project management publication http://www.pmtoday.co.uk 

p3m global: @p3mglobal 

p3m global is a specialist project, programme and portfolio management (#P3M) consultancy, focused on empowering change and optimising delivery. p3m.global

Carlos Pampliega PMP: @CJPampliega 

Keynote Listener, Architect & Project Manager, PMP. PMI Madrid-Spain Board of Directors. Seeking Excellence by Design at http://salineropampliega.com . es.linkedin.com/in/carlospampl…

Laura Barnard: @ImpactbyLaura 

Keynote Speaker, Author, Trainer & Industry Leading Expert in Get. It. Done. for #PMO#PM#PMP#changeleaders, & #Executives. iepmo.com

#PMOT Agilists

#PMOT Agilists

Kent Beck: @KentBeck

Programmer, coach coach, singer/guitarist, peripatetic. Learning to be me. kentbeck.com

Ken Schwaber: @kschwaber

Co-founder of Scrum and founder of http://Scrum.org . Software development for 40 years. Live in Lexington, hike in New Hampshire. kenschwaber.wordpress.com

Agile Connection: @agileconn

Bringing together the latest agile ideas, practices, and how-to advice from experienced software professionals and thought leaders. AgileConnection.com

agile42: @agile42

We are The Agile Coaching Company. Globally transforming teams and enterprises. Tweeting about Life, the Universe and everything Agile. agile42.com

59SecondsAgile: @59SecondsAgile

#Agile methods offer alternatives to traditional #ProjectManagementprocesses. #59SecondsAgile gives quick hints & tips to the #AgileWay #Scrum #Kanban #Lean. 59secondsagile.com

LeadingAgile: @leadingagile

Solving the real, underlying problems that block meaningful change in organizations. leadingagile.com

Agile Business: @Agile_Biz

We are global leaders in promoting, supporting and enabling #AgileBusiness. Hosts of #AgileBizConf18 – tickets available now at http://agileconference.org . agilebusiness.org

Agileresources: @agile_resources

Your one-stop shop for agile books, courses, podcasts, conferences and more! agileresources.info

Simon Kneafsey: @simonkneafsey

Professional Scrum Trainer @ http://TheScrumMaster.co.uk  & http://Scrum.org . Sometime Superhero. Likes lots of stuff. Dislikes even more. No Limits! TheScrumMaster.co.uk

Leon Tranter: @LeonTranterEU

Agilist, geek, blogger, interested in #Agile, #Lean, #scrum, #kanban, #cloud, #DevOps, #leadership, #technology, #blogging. extremeuncertainty.com

Danilo Tambone, PMP, PSM: @DanTambone

Professional #Scrum Master #PSM, #Agile #Coach, #PMP Instructor, PMI #ACP, PMI #PBA, #ITIL, Editor of the Agile #PM Weekly, #Lean Thinker, #Productivity Hacker. bit.do/SkyrocketProdu…

Michael K Spayd: @mspayd

#AgileTransformation coach, #ConsciousIntegralLeadership, #IntegralAgile co-originator, speaker, #IntegralAgileTransformationFrameworkco-author: trans4mation.coach



in2PMO: @in2_pmo

Specialist PMO & business transformation consultancy firm dedicated to helping orgs deliver impactful business value from their PMOs, projects and programmes.

PMO Resources: @pmo_resources

PMO resources is a profile used to share information, tips and trends in PMO. #PMO #ProjectManagement #ChangeManagement

PMO Flashmob: @pmoflashmob

Run by Lindsay Scott, PMO Flashmob is a networking and learning group for people who work in PMO in the UK. Find us around the country, PMO Flashmobbing near you! pmoflashmob.org. Lindsay is a friend of OnlinePMCourses.

Growth Through Knowledge: @GrowthKnowledge

PMO expert (and friend of OnlinePMCourses) Nicole Reilly tweets about PMO, business analysis, and PPM in general. And also about motor sports!

PMO. Lead & Innovate: @PMOObserver

#CSuite #PMP #PMIACP #CSM#Consulting #Coach #Train #innovation#pmo #pmot #business #technology#leadership #engineeringhttps://twitter.com/PMOObserver

#PMOT Course and Training Providers

Course and Training Providers

Cornelius Fichtner: @corneliusficht

Project manager, PMP trainer, host of The PM Podcast, public speaker and gummi bear addict: pm-podcast.com

Velociteach Project Management: @Velociteach

Project Management all the time! Instructor-led training, online courses, self-study resources, blogs, and podcasts. #projectmanagement #PMP#CAPM, #Agile #PDUs: velociteach.com

IIL Global: @IILGlobal

Global leader in project management, professional training, and customized course development.

PMP Academy: @AcademyPMP

#Teaching people #Successful #Project_management.

PM Workshops: @PM_Workshops

PMP Certification Training for Professional Development – workshops for corporate partners. pm-workshops.com

pmStudent: @pmstudent

Project Management Career and PMP Study Advice That Works. pmStudent.com

Project Agency: @practicalPMtrg

Practical projectmanagement training.Making it easier to deliver projects more effectively, saving you time, resources & money. projectagency.co.uk

#PMOT Software Vendors

Software Vendors

ProjectManager.com: @ProjectTips

Declaration of interest: I have written for the ProjectManager.com blog.

Award-Winning Project Management Software & Tips/Resources. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Gantt Charts http://bit.ly/2BM6rSC   #PMP #PMOT #ProjectManagement. ProjectManager.com

Wrike: @wrike

Work management & social collaboration software for Enterprise & SMB. Get our free eBook on team productivity: http://bit.ly/2c8mpuR  #projectmanagement #PMOT. wrike.com

Easy Projects: @easyprojectsnet

A comprehensive project and task management software built for forward- thinking teams. #PMOT #projectmanagement. easyprojects.net

Rumblelist: @Rumblelist

Manage recurring checklists and repetitive projects like a pro. If project management and todo apps could have a baby. that would be us. rumblelist.com

Capterra Project: @CapterraPM

@CapterraPM provides the latest #projectmanagement industry news and software reviews. #PMOT #Agile. blog.capterra.com/articles/proje…

TeamGantt: @teamgantt

We make software that helps teams work together, without losing sight of the big picture. We tweet about Leadership, Productivity, and Project Management. teamgantt.com

TransparentChoice: @transparentch

Decision-making tools that boost productivity. Tweets about #PMO, #PPM, #Decisions: transparentchoice.com

KeyedIn Projects: @KeyedInProjects

KeyedIn enables your Project Management Office to be more strategic, more efficient, and deliver greater business impact. #PSO #PMO #PPM: keyedin.com

Project Insight: @ProjectInsight

Helping teams Work Better Together™ for over 15 years. Project Management is dead, we’re reinventing it. Named Best Project Management Solution by SIIA: projectinsight.net

OpenProject: @openproject

Free and open source project management software. openproject.org

#PMOT Miscellaneous

#PMOT Miscellaneous

Project Experts: @Proj3ctExperts

Project Managers | Tweets about #ProjectManagement#BusinessManagement #PRManagement#ReputationManagement#TimeManagement #Productivity

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Mike Clayton

About the Author...

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
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