21 April, 2020

Meeting Actions: How to get People to do Them | Video

Don’t let Them Forget their Meeting Actions

In this video, I’ll show you six simple steps to take to get people to do their meeting actions.

You know how it happens…

The meeting went well. People offered to take on actions. You sent out some meeting notes. Then, the next meeting comes around.

… and whoops! Who forgot to do their meeting actions?

Is there always someone who forgot?

Maybe it’s not them, though. Maybe it’s you.

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This is learning, so, sit back and enjoy

Here are six simple steps you can take at your next meeting.

Step 1:
Be very clear when you either assign a task during a meeting, or accept an offer. Repeat the outcome, agree the deadline, and look them in the eye. Ask: ‘will you meet that deadline?’ Not ‘can you meet the deadline?’ or ‘Is that okay?’ or anything else that can get a ‘yes’ without a firm commitment to deliver.

Step 2:
Treat anything other than an unambiguous ‘yes’ as a ‘no’. ‘Probably’, ‘I think so’, or ‘I’ll try’ are not ‘yes’. As Yoda said: ‘there is do or not do’.

Step 3:
Write down the meeting actions. There and then. In your book. Take your time and do it conspicuously. You are saying ‘I have this in my book. I shan’t forget.’

Step 4:
At the end of the meeting, go around the room. Use your book. For each person, re-check each commitment: ‘yes’ or not ‘yes’.

Step 5:
After the meeting, send around notes. Whatever else you include, start with a list of people who attended. Under each name, add their own personal To-Do list, with deadlines for their meeting actions. And put a note in your diary for each deadline 24 or 48 hours ahead.

Step 6:
Send reminders, 24 or 48 hours ahead. Better still: phone. Best of all: turn up.

Three videos you might like:

  1. The Five Stages of a Meeting
  2. How to Run a Great Project Team Meeting
  3. Lessons Learned Meeting: How to make it Excellent

Or check out these articles, here on our website:

How to…

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Meeting Actions: How to get People to do Them | Video Share on X

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Mike Clayton

About the Author...

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
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