25 July, 2024

How to Do a Project Handover… and When to do it!

In this video, I consider the question, ’When should you hand over your project deliverables?’ and look at how to do project handover.

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Project Handover

When should you hand over your project?

‘When they are done’ is the obvious answer.

But there is more to it than that, or this would be a very short video.

What is Handover?

CONCEPTUALLY: Handover marks the boundary between delivery and closing stage of your project.

But, of course, not only is there more to it than that but also, in the real world, a project may have multiple handovers through the delivery stage. An obvious example is where you have a framework like Scrum embedded in a hybrid project, with a predictive lifecycle overlaid.

Project Handover is passing products from the project, into beneficial use and routine maintenance

Preparing for Handover

The project team conducts an internal review of deliverable/s

The operational team rehearses a period of shadow operating, where they determine whether they are prepared to receive handover. This is often the primary period when users receive their training. This is not about trying to squeeze the maximum content into lunch-break briefings. Allow plenty of time, not just for teams to build up a decent level of familiarity with the product, but also for them to start to feel comfortable and confident.

This is also the period of final user acceptance testing.

Before Handover: Readiness Review

Then, when both are ready for handover, there is a Readiness Review period, where the final product can be operated ‘as if’.  This is a joint review period for both project and operational teams.

Do not try to short-cut this period.  It is highly valuable and the last chance to catch significant issues and protect the receiving organization from, what can be, significant operational risks.

During this period, we expect to see formal checks – which may take the form of a Stage Gate or Gateway review.

The equivalent in Scrum would be a Sprint Review.

The formal checks include:

  • Testing – confirmations/test certs – performance, quality, reliability… ‘fitness for purpose’ – against specification
  • QC sign-off
  • Risk review – o/s risks and issues
  • Business is ready to receive handover – familiarity, training, understanding
  • Snagging
  • Go live planning and fall-back arrangements – and resourcing

When both the Project Manager and the Operational Manager or new owner are happy, it’s time for a formal handover.

Formal Handover – Sign-off

Formal Acceptance and handover documentation. This creates a transfer of responsibility and beneficial ownership. It is accompanied by Product documentation.

Transition to operational use and benefits realization

  • Operational procedures/processes
  • User support and customer care
  • Planned and reactive maintenance
  • Review for continuous improvement (processes) or incremental upgrades (products)

Operational Status

Finally, the operational team settles into routine use of the project’s product set. The only remaining roles for the Project Team are:

1. To set up Benefits Realization monitoring and a post-handover outcomes or benefits realization review (between 3 and 18 months after handover.

2. Orderly close down of the project

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Mike Clayton

About the Author...

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
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