30 November, 2021

Get More Done: Amplify Your Abilities, Productivity, and Power | Video

What if I told you that there is an easy way to get more done?

And not just that, but to also engage and motivate your team?

That would be some super-power!

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This is learning, so, sit back and enjoy

What if I told you that there is an easy way to get more done?

And not just that, but to also engage and motivate your team?

That would have to be a little interesting, right?

When I was a consultant, the higher you progressed through the firm, the more obsessed you would become with ‘leverage’. This is how consulting firms make money. It’s not the project manager who leads the project: it’s the team they bring with them.

Project Managers Lead Teams

That, I hope, is obvious. And allocating work among them is just good management. But, as you start to get to grips with  new project, can you do more?

Make More Time for the Things that Matter Most

Project Managers have a raft of responsibilities. They range from the trivial and mundane, to the complex and strategic. Often necessary and urgent tasks steal your time, and stop you from giving full attention to the most valuable aspects of your role.

This is when You need to Turn-up the Amplifier

If you can delegate some of your responsibilities to team members, you can free up time to focus on the things you cannot delegate. Often these are the most complex, strategic, and value-generating activities.

And, at the same time, you can:

  • stretch and develop team members
  • Motivate and enthuse them
  • Create resilience in your team, to absences and setbacks

But Too Many of us Resist Delegating…

We find it uncomfortable, difficult, or we worry things won’t get done right, or on time.

Delegation can be a simple task…

If you know how to do it.

And, when you feel comfortable doing it.

That’s what our delegation course is all about.

How to Delegate without Stress

How to Delegate without Stress

With 25 short videos, in our easy style… 

And straightforward learning exercises to help you learn quickly… 

And access to me, to ask questions and clarify your understanding…

Only one thing can make it better:

A good price, reduced for you.

Check out our 30% offer.

Carefully curated video recommendations for you:

What Kit does a Project Manager Need?

I asked Project Managers in a couple of forums what material things you need to have, to do your job as a Project Manager. They responded magnificently. I compiled their answers into a Kit list. I added my own. 

Check out the Kit a Project Manager needs

Note that the links are affiliated.

Learn Still More

For more great Project Management videos, please subscribe to the OnlinePMCourses YouTube channel.

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For more of our videos in themed collections, join our Free Academy of Project Management

Get More Done: Amplify Your Abilities, Productivity, and Power | Video Share on X

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Mike Clayton

About the Author...

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
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