Project Planning


Video Course

Video Course

Technical Project Management

19 Lessons

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Planning may not seem like a sexy activity, but you’d better believe it’s at the heart of Project Management. And an essential part of a Project Manager’s skill set too.


We have a lot of tools to support us in planning our projects, and in this Free Academy of PM program, we have assembled descriptions of a wide selection.

Project Planning


2 Lessons

What are the 10 things you need to build into your Project Plan? A large part of the success of your project will be down to your planning. Consequently, there are a lot of planning tools to choose from. But which will be the most valuable for you? In this video, Mike Clayton will show you how to plan your project, using the ten most important project planning essentials that you need, to create a robust Project plan.

Video lesson

The project planning process can be as complex as you need it to be or as simple as you want it to be. Each step can be detailed or summary. And you need only use the steps that are right for your project.

Video lesson

Gathering Requirements

3 Lessons

Scoping is the hardest part of Project Management. Luckily we have a great tool to use called MOSCOW Analysis.

Video lesson

Capabilities Based Planning (CBP) is an important way of starting your project planning process. So what is Capabilities Based Planning, exactly?

Video lesson

On software and technical projects, there is a chain of project definition deliverables, and one of them is the Functional Specification. So, what is a Functional Specification?

Video lesson


8 Lessons

They sound scary. They are scary. What is a Project Deadline and how does it differ from a Milestone?

Video lesson

Planning is fundamental to all Project Management, and one of the most basic and robust approaches to planning is Milestone Planning.

Video lesson

The Work Breakdown Structure (or WBS) is one of the most basic and most important of your Project Management toolset.

Video lesson

When you are planning and scheduling your project, there will be some sequences of activities that you need to respect. They are generated by task dependencies. So, what are Task Dependencies in Project Management?

Video lesson

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is one of the core planning and control methodologies that project managers use. So, what is the Critical Path Method?

Video lesson

When it comes to project planning and estimation, there are a few 'go-to' tools that every project manager should know, and one of them is the PERT Method. So, what is a PERT Chart?

Video lesson

The Critical Path Method is well known. And you have just watched a video about it. But, what is a Critical Chain?

Video lesson

The Gantt Chart is pretty much the poster-child for Project Management. When most people think of project management, it's a Gantt Chart they see in their mind's eye.

Video lesson

Resource Planning

4 Lessons

Controlling who does what is a vital part of managing your project. So, what is a Work Package?

Video lesson

Knowing who is slated to do what is a crucial part of project management. Following our previous lesson on RACI Charts, this video looks at RACI's cousin the Linear Responsibility Chart. But what is it?

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RACI Charts are rightly one of a Project Manager's favourite tools. So what is a RACI Chart, and how does it relate to a Linear Responsibility Chart (LRC)?

Video lesson

Resource constraints often drive your project planning. So, what is resource levelling?

Video lesson

Bonus Content

2 Lessons

When things go seriously wrong, one of the things you will need is a Business Continuity Plan. And, since projects involve risk to your organization, you'll need to link into this.

Video lesson

Estimating project work package times and the times it will take to build products or deliverables is one of the most difficult parts of Project Management. One great tool is Planning Poker. It comes from the world of Agile Project management, and Scrum, but is far more widely applicable.

Video lesson


About the teacher

Mike Clayton

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.

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