Does your Project have a Firm Foundation from Day 1?
How to Define Your Project to Create the Platform for the Success You Want
This video sets out the essential elements of your project definition. Without these in place, you cannot start to plan your project with any confidence.
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What you will learn in this video
Many people are intimidated by the thought of starting a Project from scratch... and maybe you feel the same way.
Other people dive straight in, with little or no thought... and pay the price later, when their Project fails.
You will be successful in your Project Management when you learn how to define it clearly from the outset.
In this video, I will show you the ten essential components of a robust project definition.
And none of them are hard to do!
We have an article that expands on this video, using the same framework: The Key Components of Your Project Definition.
To learn more about Project Definition, try our Project Definition course in the Free Academy of Project Management.