25 April, 2024

Can AI Really Write Your User Requirements?

The march of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Project Management continues. I wanted to learn if we can use it to write reliable User Requirements, as part of the Project Definition process. The answer is…

Conversation with Chris Rickard, creator of Userdoc

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Can AI Really Write Your User Requirements?

Part 1: Requirements Gathering

Chris Rickard and I discuss:

  • Understanding the User Requirements and capturing them accurately is critical to the success of any project. What is the process for finding User Requirements?
  • Once you’ve captured requirements and had them signed off, is that it? Is Requirements Gathering a one-and-done process?
  • How can AI help in the process of capturing and recording customer or user requirements?

Part 2: Userdoc Demonstration

Chris demonstrates how Userdoc uses AI and how Userdoc captures and develops User requirements.

Part 3: Artificial Intelligence

  • How can an AI system really understand a process and what we need from it?
  • AI capability is changing fast. What would you hope to be able to do in future iterations?

Part 4: Getting in touch with Chris Rickard

  • Thank you, Chris. If people want to learn more about Userdoc, and give it a try for themselves, how can they do that? And, if they want to engage with you, what are the best ways they can do that?

Chris Rickard

Chris Rickard is a project manager and software engineer, who started a software development agency in 2012, and had to teach himself to be a project manager and business analyst, to successfully deliver his projects.

His agency delivered large, often 12-month or more projects. He found that requirements gathering and requirements management were the tasks that had the most impact on the success of a project.

After 8 years Chris’s agency was acquired, and he then focused on building a platform to help with requirements management. That platform is called Userdoc, and it makes effective use of AI to help businesses move faster.

That’s why I wanted to speak with him about whether AI can write your user requirements.

Learn More from Chris Rickard

🎬 Video demo of the Userdoc project wizard, and the system itself.

🧑🏽‍💻 Learn more about userdoc, and take the free trial.

🔗 LinkedIn is the best way for people to reach Chris Rickard.

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Mike Clayton

About the Author...

Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
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