
Unleash Your Potential with a Premium AI Certification

USAII-White Logo
Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (CAIE™)
Certified Artificial Intelligence Consultant (CAIC™)
Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS™)
CAITL_Shield - Certified AI Transformation Leader

Get AI certified with the most powerful self-paced programs

The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®) offers three powerful Artificial Intelligence certifications. Their self-paced programs will prepare you well. You'll learn the demanding skills of an Artificial Intelligence professional.

USAII® Certification Programs

The USAII Artificial Intelligence certifications are among the most sought-after programs. They offer an unprecedented AI knowledge framework, with unmatched functionality and business value. The three certification tracks develop future-ready AI learning, practices, and implementation skills.

They cover

  • Neural Network Architectures
  • Cell Types
  • Activation Functions
  • Supervised Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision Techniques
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
  • and more..

The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute

The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®) is the world’s leading Artificial Intelligence certifications provider for:

  • aspiring professionals and leaders at any stage of their career
  • organizations, institutions, academia
  • or governments

...looking to upskill and reskill their expertise in the ever-evolving Artificial Intelligence domain.

The USAII® certification programs have global recognition in over 160+ countries, and this global approach has helped us to pace up our mission in certifying 150k professionals by 2025.

Learn. Accelerate. Scale

Learn the next-gen AI technologies and enter the next-gen wave of globalization and innovation.

Build your AI career in the new tech space and accelerate to every emerging possibility that future technologies bring.

Give your AI career a much-needed uplift and scale your expertise in the most in-demand AI roles and jobs.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (CAIE™)
Certified Artificial Intelligence Consultant (CAIC™)
Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS™)
CAITL_Shield - Certified AI Transformation Leader

Learn AI Transformation Strategies with Real-World Use Cases.

See below for the new...
Certified AI Transformation Leader (CAITL™) Program

The Certified AI Transformation Leader (CAITL™) certification program is an AI Excellence Program aimed at senior executives, business leaders, and C-suite professionals to power up AI transformation for business growth.

Programming skills are not required to apply for CAITL™ certification.

An Introduction to Each Program...

Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (CAIE™)

Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (CAIE™)


Path 1

Associate Degree or Diploma or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably STEM + at least two years of experience in any programming language; however, proficiency in using Python/R/JAVA is desirable.

Path 2

Either completed or pursuing Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably with STEM + work experience is not required; however, basic proficiency in any programming language like Python/R/JAVA  is desirable.


The Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (CAIE™) credential will set you apart from your peers. It is a highly respected and powerful credential for any technology professional who wants to jumpstart their AI career. The curriculum includes:

  • AI, Big Data, AI i the Cloud
  • Essential Machine Learning: visualizing data, supervisezed and unsupervized learning
  • Deep Learning: TensorFlow, KERAS, Activation functions, overfitting and underfitting
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning: DQN, Deep Q Learning, Actor-Critic, Policy gradient, DDPG, TD3, & SAC
  • Computer Vision and GANs: Object detection, real time face, age, & gender detection, Multiclassifier
  • Natural Language Processing: word embedding, text distance, data structures, MetricsDocument
  • Reinforcement Learning: Monte Carlo methods, Multi-Armed Bandit, Bellman Equation, Dynamic Programming, Temporal Difference Learning

The resource center's entire content is vetted and verified by the world-renowned 'USAII Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board (AIAB)' that comprises of best subject matter experts and influencers of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science like CTOs, CIOs, Head of Technology, Delivery Directors, AI, ML and Robotics Influencers, Data Scientists, Technology Leaders, and many from fortune 500 companies. However, the program is designed as such that you require only 8-10 hours per week to grab the essential knowledge and get certified. We update our curriculum at regular intervals to stay relevant and reflect the trend of AI, ML, and related technologies.

Powerful e-Learning Resources

You'll learn from a world-class e-learning program, which includes a self-paced videos that cover the latest technological advances in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and how to build your advanced knowledge of it. The CAIE™ e-learning program also includes the Practice Codes to help you put your learning into practice and prepare you for the real challenges at a very early stage of your career.

Your resources include USAII® Study-Book 1, Study-Book 2, and Study-Book 3 – all these e-books cover advanced Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and relevant topics like Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Python, and more specially designed for the CAIE candidates.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Consultant (CAIC™)

Certified Artificial Intelligence Consultant (CAIE™)


Path 1

Associate Degree or Diploma or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably STEM + at least six years of experience in any programming language; however, proficiency in using Python/R/JAVA is desirable.

Path 2

Either completed or pursuing Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably with STEM + at least two years of experience in any programming language or engineering/ finance/ management/ statistics, etc.

Path 3

Either completed or pursuing Master's Degree or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably with STEM + work experience is not required.

Path 4

Completed   CAIE™ or other  equivalent certification + at least four years of experience   for a candidate who has   completed  an Associate Degree or Diploma or equivalent and  one year of experience for a candidate  who has completed  Bachelor's degree or equivalent


The Certified Artificial Intelligence Consultant (CAIC™) is one of the most influential international certifications for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the world. It will help you build world-class AI/ML capabilities. They will give you the expertise to work on the deployment and management of AI models in production and provide inputs on AI, ML, and Deep Learning models’ applicability. AI professionals can use their expertise in data management roles, to interpret data and solve complex problems. The curriculum includes:

  • AI principles, use cases, deployment, testing, and maintenance
  • Machine Learning for business functions: inc fraud prevention, e-commerce, customer analytics, data security, privacy
  • Tools for Business Contexts: NLP, Text summarization, CNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, Advanced RNNs, sentiment analysis, neural networks, deep learning for text, GANs
  • Applications of AI for Business and Society: finance, healthcare, banking, chatbots, object recognition
  • Robotics for Organizations: Advanced robotics, recommendation engine
  • Managing High-Performing Analytics Team: leadership, selecting projects, the New Analytical Ecosystem, Operational Analystics, the future of analytics
  • Economics of Data and AI: CEO mandate, economic bvalue of data theorems, Schmarzo Economic Digital Asset Valuation Theorem, Economics of AI, Innovation through Empowerment
  • Trends and the Future of AI: AI workflow, Deefakes, Self-driving car, Cloud infrastructure using AI, preparing for the future

The resource center's entire content is vetted and verified by the world-renowned 'USAII Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board (AIAB)' that comprises of best subject matter experts and influencers of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science like CTOs, CIOs, Head of Technology, Delivery Directors, AI, ML and Robotics Influencers, Data Scientists, Technology Leaders, and many from fortune 500 companies. However, the program is designed as such that you require only 8-10 hours per week to grab the essential knowledge and get certified. We update our curriculum at regular intervals to stay relevant and reflect the trend of AI, ML, and related technologies.

Powerful e-Learning Resources

You'll learn from a world-class e-learning program, which includes a self-paced videos that cover the latest technological advances in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and how to build your advanced knowledge of it. The CAIC™ e-learning program also includes the Practice Codes to help you put your learning into practice and prepare you for the real challenges at a very early stage of your career.

Your resources include USAII® Study-Book 1, Study-Book 2, and Study-Book 3 – all these e-books cover advanced Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and relevant topics like Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Python, and more specially designed for the CAIC candidates.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS™)

Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS™)


Path 1

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably STEM + at least five years of experience in any programming language; however, proficiency in using Python/R/JAVA is desirable.

Path 2

Master's degree or equivalent in any academic discipline, preferably STEM + at least four years of experience in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Engineering, Finance, Management, etc.

Path 3

Completed CAIC™ or other equivalent certification + at least four years of experience for a candidate who has completed  Bachelor's degree or equivalent and three years of experience for a candidate  who has completed  Master's degree or equivalent.


The Certified Artificial Intelligence Scientist (CAIS™) is the world’s most advanced AI certification program. It is designed for professionals who are turning themselves into business leaders or are already business leaders in AI or related domains.

AI has been earning a reputation for some time and has provided some of the best jobs of the 21st century. It has been welcoming professionals from a wide range of academic and work backgrounds. AI scientists must have the right skill-set and the latest technological know-how to manage any complex projects. The curriculum includes:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Libraries, Frameworks and Anatomy of a Modern AI Application, Linear Models and Regression, Support Vector Machines, Linear Classification and Clustering Algorithms, Feature Selection and Feature Engineering, Decision Trees and Ensemble Learning, Recommendation Engine
  • Strategic Data Science and Management, Strategic Data Science, The Data-Driven Organization, Data Science team, Project Management for Data Science
  • The Economics of AI, Importance of Value-Driven, The Secret for Data Science Success, The Economic Value of Data Theorems, The Economics of AI, Schmarzo Economic Digital Asset Valuation Theorem, Innovation Through Empowerment
  • Supervised Deep Learning and Computer Vision, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks, Advanced Object Detection, Image Classification and Segmentation, Computer Vision with Reinforcement Learning, TensorFlow 2.0, Regression and Transfer Learning, Multi Layer Perceptron, Activation Functions
  • AI in Marketing, Importance of Product Analytics, Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Segmentation, Retain Your Customers, Validate Your Marketing Ideas
  • Reinforcement Learning (RL) , Reinforcement Learning, Deep Q-Networks (DQN), DeepMind's AlphaGo Zero, Model and Policy-Based Method, Actor-Critic Method
  • Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, and security, AI and GCP Overview, AWS for Artificial Intelligence, Amazon SageMaker, Building a Cloud ML Engine Using GCP, Deploying, Scaling, and Testing AI Applications, Machine Learning Security, Compare Various Attacks, Choosing the Right Defense

The resource center's entire content is vetted and verified by the world-renowned 'USAII Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board (AIAB)' that comprises of best subject matter experts and influencers of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science like CTOs, CIOs, Head of Technology, Delivery Directors, AI, ML and Robotics Influencers, Data Scientists, Technology Leaders, and many from fortune 500 companies. However, the program is designed as such that you require only 8-10 hours per week to grab the essential knowledge and get certified. We update our curriculum at regular intervals to stay relevant and reflect the trend of AI, ML, and related technologies.

Powerful e-Learning Resources

You'll learn from a world-class e-learning program, which includes a self-paced videos that cover the latest technological advances in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and how to build your advanced knowledge of it. The CAIS™ e-learning program also includes the Practice Codes to help you put your learning into practice and prepare you for the real challenges at a very early stage of your career.

Your resources include USAII® Study-Book 1, Study-Book 2, and Study-Book 3 – all these e-books cover advanced Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and relevant topics like Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Python, and more specially designed for the CAIS candidates.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Transformation Leader (CAITL™)

Certified Artificial Intelligence Transformation Leader (CAITL™)

This program is designed for:

  • C-level, Senior executives, policymakers, technology leaders, and nonprofit leaders who acknowledge the importance of AI and want to responsibly harness it
  • Decision makers — Investors, Managers and above, from any industry, any size organization, and any domain such as Sales & Marketing, HR, Finance, Operations, etc.
  • Consultants who want to learn about AI strategy and transformation, and gain insights into its effect on companies.


Programming skills are not required to apply for CAITL™ certification.

Path 1: Standard

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in any academic discipline + at least 10 years of experience in any domain.

Path 2: Technical

CAIS™ or equivalent certification + at least 8 years of experience in any domain.

Path 3: Executive

Must be working as Director, VP, Head of Technology, CEO, CIO, CTO, or other decision-making roles with at least 6 years of experience in any domain.

Learn AI Transformation Strategies with Real-World Use Cases.


The Certified AI Transformation Leader (CAITL™) certification program is an AI Excellence Program aimed at senior executives, business leaders, and C-suite professionals to power up AI transformation for business growth.

This is a self-paced online masterclass lasting 6-10 weeks, with 8-10 hours per week of learning. You'll also get 150+ hours of top content in the form of Study books, Videos, and Workshop delivered through an advanced dashboard.

CAITL™ covers all the latest and advanced AI strategic topics through Study books with real-world use cases, eLearning materials with videos and workshops under the self-paced training module as well as live masterclasses. Just 8-10 hours/week is all that’s required to be the best. The curriculum includes:

  • Bird's eye view of AI for business
  • Product Management with AI
  • AI Adoption and Strategy
  • AI for Business and Industrial Applications
  • Startegic Data Science for Business
  • Digital Transformation: The Meaning
  • The Economics of AI and Digital Transformation
  • Risk Equations in AI Transformation
  • AI and Cybersecurity
  • Real-world AI Implkementation Paradigms

The resource center's entire content is vetted and verified by the world-renowned 'USAII Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board (AIAB)' that comprises of best subject matter experts and influencers of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science like CTOs, CIOs, Head of Technology, Delivery Directors, AI, ML and Robotics Influencers, Data Scientists, Technology Leaders, and many from fortune 500 companies. However, the program is designed as such that you require only 8-10 hours per week to grab the essential knowledge and get certified. We update our curriculum at regular intervals to stay relevant and reflect the trend of AI, ML, and related technologies.

Powerful e-Learning Resources

You'll learn from a world-class e-learning program, which includes a self-paced videos. The CAITL™ e-learning program also includes Case studies and live masterclasses.

Your resources include USAII® Study-Book 1, Study-Book 2, and Study-Book 3 – all these e-books cover managing AI Projects, enterprise AI, decision-making frameworks, transforming industries with AI, digital transformation law, and more - designed for CAITL candidates.

The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®)

The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®) - Logo

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USAII Alumni

The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®) is the world’s leading Artificial Intelligence certifications provider.

The USAII® understands the importance of Artificial Intelligence skills and focuses on upskilling and reskilling the AI/ML talent. They are committed to fostering the best-in-class AI/ML capabilities to break new grounds in the AI & ML industry.

The USAII®-certified AI & ML professionals bring unparalleled acumen and the ability to anticipate and understand the development and deployment of the latest AI & ML technologies, tools, and concepts to manage and utilize the needs of different verticals, industries, environments, and markets.

The USAII® certification programs have global recognition in over 160+ countries, and this global approach has helped us to pace up our mission in certifying 150k professionals by 2025.

OnlinePMCourses Endorsed Provider

What OnlinePMCourses says...

Dr Mike Clayton, Founder of

Dr Mike Clayton
Founder: OnlinePMCourses


I have been looking carefully for an authoritative provider of in-depth Artificial Intelligence learning. And I wanted a provider that can offer widely recognized certification programs. And now I have found one.

I have reviewed USAII content and have been impressed. I have not compketed a full course, but what I have seen allows me to recommend this with confidence. This does not mean that it is right for you. But it does mean that I believe it is worthy of your detailed consideration.

I know that these programs will not be right for many members of my community. The experience requirements are high for working Project Managers. However, if you are considering either a shift in your career, or a substantial deepening of your skillset, then I am proud to recommend The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute suite of learning products.

The Small Print (in full size)
Declaration: I am an affiliate of The United States Artificial Intelligence Institute. If you buy a course or product through one of my links, they will make a payment to me. This will not affect the cost to you, nor your rights in any way. You are their customer and they will look after you. However, they will, from time to time, alert me to special offers they are making, so I can advise my community.

PMI®, PMP®, CAPM®, PMI-ACP®, PMBOK®, and The PMI Talent Triangle® are registered marks owned by Project Management Institute, Inc.
ITIL®, PRINCE2®, PRINCE2 Agile®, MSP®, M_o_R®, P3O®, MoP® and MoV® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited.
OnlinePMCourses is an affiliate for: and other international Amazon stores, OSP International LLC selling PM PrepCast and related products, mPlaza and the Professional Training Center of Excellence (PTCoE), GreyCampus, ClickUp, and Chuck Cobb trading as The Agile Project Management Academy. We are glad to recommend their products. When you purchase a product or course from these vendors through our links, we will receive a payment that helps fund our free content.

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