About OnlinePMCourses

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OnlinePMCourses is here for Project Managers

Dr Mike Clayton, Founder of OnlinePMCourses.com

We here to help you, if you:

  • Want to be a Project Manager - to build the career you deserve
  • Need to be a Project Manager - to support some aspect of your current role
  • Are just becoming a Project Manager - and want to accelerate your learning and development
  • Are already a Project Manager - and want to get better at your profession
  • ...or gain some qualifications to underpin your skillset
  • Run a team or a business, and need your people to become better Project Managers

OnlinePMCourses gives you clear, practical Project Management knowledge, that is easy to understand and apply.

But OnlinePMCourses is not just a set of training videos. It is a program that will help you transform yourself into the Project Manager you want to be. To help you do this, we are building the most comprehensive portfolio of Project Management self-development resources on the web.

We here to help you with:

  • Information, ideas, and expert knowledge
  • Advice, guidance, and networking
  • Structured learning, in project management, leadership and management, and personal professional effectiveness
  • Tools, templates, and other resources
Mike Clayton - they're free
Graphical Representation of OnlinePMCourses Services

OnlinePMCourses is not just a set of training videos. It is a program that will help you transform yourself into the Project Manager you want to be. To help you do this, we are building the most comprehensive portfolio of Project Management self-development resources on the web.

OnlinePMCourses is the creation of Dr Mike Clayton - one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is a prolific blogger, a contributor to ProjectManager.com and Project (the journal of the Association for Project Management - APM), and the author of 14 best-selling books, including five about project management.

Mike was a successful project leader, as a consulting Senior Manager with the London office of Deloitte.

He lives in an English market town in Hampshire, with his family.

So, why not join 4,003* people who are enrolled in one or more of our courses?

* 19 August 2020

As a Project Manager, I delivered projects for...

General Motors
Transport for London
British Gas
Ministry of Defence

As a trainer, I delivered project management training for...

Big Lottery Fund
Royal Town Planning Institute
National Trust for Scotland

What People Say about Mike Clayton

Andrew Beer Procurement Services Consultant

Many of the tools necessary

With Mike's guidance I was able to re-focus my goals and have a clear strategy for developing my business, and he equipped me with many of the tools necessary to achieve those goals. Mike's willingness to pass on his knowledge has been absolutely invaluable to me and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend his services.

Dr Sharief Ibrahim Physician & Entrepreneur

Second to none

You have have skilfully used analogies and mental pictures together with clear illustrations to explain tough managements concepts. I should congratulate you for the great effort you put to produce the quality course which I think is second to none.

Tony Brewer Senior Account Manager at Arden Group

Concise but informal

I have recently attended a Project Management course delivered by Mike and it was one of the most informative and well delivered training course I have attended. Mike's delivery of the course was concise but informal. I would definitely recommend Mike to anyone who is looking to understand the fundamentals of what makes a great Project Manager.

M.A. Head of Contracts Management Group at major UK Public Body

Far better at project management than we were

We are far better these days at project management than we were back in those days. Your work with us then certainly helped to establish a base from which we have developed.

John Hilary Executive Director at War on Want

Excellent training

Mike provided us with excellent training, which I continue to benefit from today. I have no hesitation in recommending his services.

John Perry Consultant

A fresh perspective

Discussions with Mike are always stimulating and thought-provoking - he often brings a fresh perspective to intractable problems and his observations are always helpful.

Rex Mackrill Project Manager & Performance Coach

A continual inspiration

Mike has successfully led and delivered many complex programmes – exceeding client expectations and building high performing teams wherever he goes. His continuing energy and enthusiasm to develop and learn, and to share his exciting ideas and insights so freely is a continual inspiration.

Mike Clayton's Training Clients

Mike, why did you create OnlinePMCourses?

Dr Mike Clayton, Founder of OnlinePMCourses.com

When I was starting my career, I wanted to get an opportunity to manage my first project. But my boss told me I couldn't do that until I had some training. But being a small company, there was no training on offer. I found myself in a Catch 22 situation.

At the time, I would have paid good money for a proper introduction to project management.

And, as I progressed, I needed more knowledge in specialist areas, like risk management and stakeholder engagement. But all there was were heavy textbooks or lightweight magazine articles. What I wanted was more of the practical lessons from the trainers I'd had.

So that, in a nutshell, is why I built OnlinePMCourses.

I hope it helps you build the project management career you want.

Why not take the first step now?

OnlinePMCourses is a sole proprietorship, run by Dr Mike Clayton. Our address available to legitimate enquirers, through our email: mike @ onlinepmcourses,com
